Introduction to the Chinese Physical Society (CPS)
The Chinese Physical Society (CPS) was founded in 1932.
CPS is an academic organization under the leadership of the China Association for Science and Technology (CAST). Its purpose is to promote the development and popularization of physics. CPS at present includes about 40,000 members. The national congress of CPS representatives is held every four years, which elects members of the national council. The national council elects the executive council, as well as the president, vice-presidents and the secretary-general. The associate secretary-generals are appointed by the executive council. The national council meets every one or two years. The executive council meets every three months.
Beneath the executive council are eight working commissions and one office. CPS is at present composed of 31 provincial physical societies, 31 sub-societies or specialized committees. The Society publishes 11 academic journals, and 9 other journals are published by sub-societies or specialized committees. The Society has established 7 physics awards and their selection committees.
CPS has been a member of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) since 1984 and of the Association of Asia Pacific Physical Societies (AAPPS) since 1990. Cooperation and scientific exchanges between CPS and other countries/regions’ physical societies have significantly increased in recent years.
President: ZHANG Jie
Vice-Presidents: FANG Zhong Gong Qi-Huang LI Jian-Gang
SUN Chang-Pu XUE Qi-Kun ZHAO Zheng-Guo
Secretary-General: FANG Zhong
Conferences and Academic Meetings Sponsored by CPS: Domestic ~ 60/year, International ~ 20/year